About Mastak

Welcome to Mastak

Mastak is online community for artists, creators and they supporters. Artists and creators all around the world welcome to open a free account to promote they arts. Mastak helps creators to promote they arts by displaying them in search. You can find there all different artists and creators. If you like some of them please feel free to donate to them some money or support them with your likes and followings.

Main Mastak idea to bring more income to creators. That is why on Mastak you can use simple payment method with Metamask wallet. Our payment system allows artists and creators to accept payment for different kind of work, comissions, adopt traiding and each. You can accept payment for any creativity product you like. Your money will go right to your Metamask wallet that you added to your edit portfolio page. We not store your money and if you not add your wallet you will not be able to receive paument from supporters.

If you donate to user you can get prised for it or given some gift depends on creator, but it is only creator decision to give you something for your donation or not. If creator promissed some each month bonus for your payment you can donate each month to get some bonus. If you not received some bonus for your donation our website have nothing to do with it and it is depends of creator only.

For artists and creators who would like to promote they accounts in Mastak there up in search button right in profile. After you press it you will be up in search in main page and your page will be more visible. You can press up in search button once a day. If you are not in search make sure that your profile complite, that you have avatar, at least three art works or photos of your creation, Metamask wallet. If you would like to stay high in search all the time and make your account more visible with speshial sign, you can buy pro account in your profile.

Mastak is growing platform and we guaranty if we get popular we will make a lot of useful features, like adopts traiding, shop traiding, frendly reminder for supporters and much more.

Mastak open to your sugestions how to make website bigger and betteeer for artists and creators. If you like to make any sugestions feel free to wright to us about it to info@mas-tak.com